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How To Stop Hair Fall After Pregnancy Or Child Birth: Reader’s Query+My Solution!

How To Stop Hair Fall After Pregnancy Or Child Birth: Reader’s Query+My Solution!

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Hey Guys,

A lot of you have been reaching out to me to help with control hair fall after delivery. I know it has been pending for quite a while now. So today I finally am here with the solution.

I sincerely hope it help you in someway.

Tips and Home Remedies to Control Your Hair Fall After Delivery

How To Stop Hair Fall After Pregnancy Or Child Birth

Pregnancy is a milestone in any woman’s life where a lot of changes occur inside your body. Every woman goes through pregnancy period which itself is not easy, but it’s something that you need to be proud. I am super proud of you and wanna congratulate you on your little bundle of joy.Now before sharing remedies and solutions for hair fall, I wanna make you understand why this hair loss occurs.

Why Does Post Pregnancy Hair Loss Occur?

The childbirth triggers hormonal changes in any woman’s body which can lead to disruptions in your normal hair growth cycle leading to hair loss. Post-pregnancy hair loss or telogen effluvium is experienced by about 90% of women who give birth.

Some panic when the balding spots become more prominent but trust me the condition is only temporary. The most common time for losing hair is about 3-6 months after delivery, and this process is associated when hormones return to their normal level, following their high levels during pregnancy. The healthy hair starts manifesting itself after about half a year or a complete year; it just depends on your immunity and how well you take care of yourself.

How To Stop Hair Fall After Pregnancy

These home remedies and hair care tips that will help you combat that hair fall quickly and naturally.

Eat Right

Now that you are a mother and want to retain your hair, you have to eat all kinds of foods (eggs, nuts, flax seeds, and beans) beneficial for your hair and scalp to promote hair growth. Eating foods like fruits and vegetables, especially kinds that have flavonoids and antioxidants that protect your follicles will effectively trigger hair growth. Supplements and vitamins (namely vitamins B, C, D complex) and zinc will also make your hair healthy and stronger from within. Include eggs in your daily diet if you could. This will help you get faster results.

Regular Hot Oil Treatments Are A Must For You

Try to massage your hair at least twice a week with good quality organic or cold pressed oils like coconut, castor, olive or almond to promote hair growth. I personally made my sister try this hair oil after she welcomed my niece and it helped her very well.

You can also try kalonji oil, neem oil or fenugreek oil for quicker results with hair fall.

After oiling your hair twice a week or at least once a week, pamper them with some steam. I personally use my thermal steam cap for the same but you can choose hot towel too.

Kate Blanc Cosmetics Neem Oil for Skin, Hair & Face. Safe for Dog, Plants, Scalp & Hair Growth (4oz, Organic, Cold Pressed, Concentrate)
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Last update on 2024-10-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Last update on 2024-10-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Use The Right Shampoos

Opt for shampoos containing ingredients like silica or biotin to help stimulate growth. Or just simply add few drops of rosemary essential oil to your shampoo. Avoid shampooing daily. It is highly recommended that you always rinse your scalp with cold water for great results.

After shampooing, rinse your hair with some green tea hair rinse and then leave it on. Afterward, apply a little bit of argan oil as your regular hair serum and you won’t miss your hair conditioner, I promise.

Always Use Wide-Toothed Combs (Preferably Wooden Combs)

These combs lessen the stress that the mane gets exposed to avoid pulling them in excess. Besides, avoid hairstyles that stretches the hair like braids, rollers, and weaves. Just keep a typical hairstyle for your scalp to relax and prevent more traumas.

Hair Masks Are Life Savior

Once a week or at least once a month, try to apply hair masks that help your hair recover from damage and grow faster. Try applying these masks as they are more effective.

Moreover, adding enough white eggs (1 or 2) into some oil and using on your scalp then after thorough shampooing is a great option.

Avoid Stress At All Costs

Pregnancy period is stressful for most women, but you should find ways to de-stress yourself regularly. Stress management is among the hair fall after pregnancy remedy needed to be taken care of: guidance and counseling can ease the condition. Emotions affect your hair health, and too much stress can cause more strands to fall off from your crop.

Don’t Be Harsh On Your Hair

Stay away from harsh treatments for the next few months. Avoid coloring your hair, perming, straightening and use very less heat for styling your hair. Also, always handle your hair gently whenever you treat or style them daily.

Give Yourself Some Positive Reinforcements

You just went through life and body changing phase. Don’t be too hard on yourself. It takes time to get back to normal and achieving that hair volume may seem difficult. But it will definitely come back. Just take your time with your little munchkin and love yourself. Because you are truly beautiful. Keep reminding yourself that.

There are many ways to prevent hair fall after pregnancy, I tried listing the ones that were most effective when my sisters and friends went through this phase. If you have any more helpful tips that worked for you, please share them in the comments and it will help others.

See you soon with more such solutions to your hair queries, hair care tips and a lot of product reviews.Till then to see what’s on my testing table currently, feel free to stalk me on my Instagram.

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Have a lovely day!


Wednesday 12th of June 2019

Thank you for finally answering my queires. You are superb


Tuesday 4th of June 2019

I am definitely in need of this


Thursday 30th of May 2019

My hair are better now. Thank you for thise

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