Is sesame oil good for hair? This is one of the most queries that lingers in our minds. Sesame oil is an amazing hair booster, lubricator, and nourisher. Do you want your hair to look naturally beautiful and shiny? Well, consider using sesame oil to make your hair outstanding. While you would love to spend …
Don’t feel stirred up as you find the only escape to good hair is a haircut or a hair spa spending all your gold on salons. With the easy availability of exotic nutrient-rich edible ingredients, one can easily ditch the spa therapies done at any parlor. Step into your comfort zone as you use the …
Have you tried using guava leaves for hair loss? The guava leaves are packed with vitamin B2 and Vitamin C, along with antibacterial properties and antifungal benefits that promotes renewal and repair of damaged hair cells, promotes better scalp health. This is why guava leaves are an effective hair loss treatment. Benefits Of Guava Leaves For …
Everyday people all over the world are looking for quicker methods to grow their hair without much trouble. With companies producing and marketing new products every day on international platforms, some have gone ahead to buy expensive gels or supplements to help grow hair quickly. However, there is a new hair grow method in town, …
You know its rose water when the smell of fresh roses wafts through the air and not just that, it charms you with its nourishing goodness. A flower that’s not just a symbol of love and is pretty but also has some of the best qualities to enhance one’s beauty and body. A rich source …
Ever wondered what made women of Japan have such beautiful, youthful looking skin and lush, shiny hair? I will tell you. Their secret lay in regularly using camellia oil on their skin and hair. What is Camellia Oil? Camellia oil, also known as Rose-of-winter and Tsubaki in Japanese, is native to southern Japan. It can …
If you are suffering from severe hair loss and are struggling to regrow your lost hair, then I have the best hair regrowth oil recipe for you. I got so many requests lately for a faster hair regrowth remedy for hair fall and baldness; especially one that is easy to follow and yet it should …
Hey guys, Have you tried using fenugreek oil for hair yet? I have already shared in the past why and how I use fenugreek for my hair growth and controlling my hair fall. Also shared a small and quick way of making this diy fenugreek oil. But since a lot of you wanted me to …
Recently I went for grocery shopping and the Sunsilk lusciously thick and long shampoo bottle really caught my fancy. It was like its beautiful pretty pink bottle was calling out to me. I knew I had to try it out and so I did. And after emptying an entire bottle of this Sunsilk pink shampoo, …
I recently started using Patanjali Kesh Kanti hair oil. It’s been less than a month and I already finished the entire bottle. And today I am here with my detailed review and experience of using this hair oil. About The Brand: Patanjali Patanjali Ayurveda Limited is an Indian consumer goods company. Manufacturing units and headquarters …
Hey Guys, How much hair fall is normal? How many hair strands of hair loss per day is too many? Why am I writing about this today? Its because I constantly get emails and messages from people that they are suffering from severe hair loss and they are afraid they might get bald. Every other …
I recently tried Mamaearth argan hair mask after reading raving reviews online. I was really impressed by its ingredients list. Mamaearth argan hair mask is free of harmful chemicals like SLS, parabens, mineral oils and is ideal for people with dry, wavy or curly hair types. Loaded with the goodness of argan oil and herbs …
Ever since I shared my hair growth journey, a lot of you reached out to me to ask does wooden comb actually make any difference? Why you should actually use a wooden comb? What are its uses, side effects, how to use it, how to clean it and what not? So I thought once and …
Don’t edge away if I tell you the beauty secret to my dark thick long hair is the Sunsilk black shine shampoo. Growing up I totally got sold at the advertisements of this particular product. They emphasize the use of natural ingredients and also, the model showcases shiny hair after its use mainly achieved by …
I recently colored my hair brown for my friend’s wedding and this Loreal color protection shampoo came free with the hair color box. I personally felt amazing about this offer and therefore grabbed it ASAP. Who wouldn’t like a shampoo free with hair color, I am no different. Let me know share my views on …
Hey Guys, Have you tried Kama Ayurveda Bringadi Intensive Hair Treatment yet? Yes, finally I am here to share my review on this baby. I know I am a bit late to share my review on this and a lot of you have been messaging me to try it and share whether it works on …
Have you tried using Trichup shampoo yet? While I got my hands on Trichup hair oil, I also thought of trying this herbal shampoo. What appealed me the most about this shampoo is that it claims to be SLS and paraben free and contains conditioner. I have dry and frizzy hair and thought that it …
Have you tried Trichup hair oil yet? Almost every day there pops up a message on my screen asking about a good hair oil for hair fall control. And last month a subscriber specifically asked me to give Trichup hair fall control hair oil a try. She wanted to know whether it works on hair …
Hey Guys, Have you tried drinking chocolate for growing your hair yet? Don’t get confused. I am talking about Cocoa Locks! I came across this wonderful chocolate powder few months back. What’s so special about it, is that it contains biotin. Which means you can have beautiful long hair just by sipping this yummy chocolate drink. …
Have you tried taking biotin for hair growth? Being a hair blogger, people often ask me whether biotin supplement helps in better hair growth or not? Honestly, my hair grows about 2 inches a month and that is why I never felt the need of popping these pills. But every now and then usually a …