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11 Small New Year Hair Resolutions That Will Have Big Difference In Your Hair’s Health

11 Small New Year Hair Resolutions That Will Have Big Difference In Your Hair’s Health

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Finally, the weirdest year of our lives is coming to an end. With hopeful eyes and stomach filled with butterflies, let’s set some easy to do yet super effective new year hair resolutions for 2022. 

new years hair resolutions

1. Don’t Be Afraid To Experiment

This is something I want to encourage you guys this year. Be fearless… Be brave and experiment with your hair to your heart’s fullest content.

Color your hair like you have always dreamt of, or get that treatment done, or simply get those bangs or cut half your hair length. Do what makes you happy.

Just in case, if anything goes wrong, I am always just a text away to help you fix it.

2. Minimize Unnecessary Trims

Now, this you might find a bit contradictory but this is something that I am a firm believer of.

If you have followed my hair growth journey, then you might know that for achieving my desired hair length, minimizing unnecessary trims proved most effective for me.

Why minimizing trims would benefit you?

This is because your hair grows from its roots, not its ends. And when you opt for unnecessary trims, you lose the entire hair length you actually achieved during this time.

So say no to unnecessary trims…

Don’t Ignore Your Scalp’s Health

Scalp care is usually the most neglected aspect of hair care. We apply too many products on our hair in hope of them getting better but ignore the very basic scalp care.

This year take a hair resolution to take good care of your hair as well as your scalp.

hair care tips for men

Here are some basic scalp care tips to get you started:

  • If your scalp is dry, do a good hot oil treatment.
  • When you experience flakes and itchiness, apply a good hair oil followed with a good anti-dandruff shampoo.
  • If your scalp is troubled with dermatitis, psoriasis, or any other scalp issues, get them treated with your physician first before treating your other hair problems.
  • If you notice that the oil develops on your scalp the very next day of your washing, use a lemon hair rinse.

Do Hot Oil Treatments Twice A Month

hair care tips for moisturizing dry hair

I cannot stress this enough… but nothing works better on your hair than a good hot oil treatment.

I have ruined my hair during my college days in ways you would have never imagined. I colored my hair often, used heat and did every damaging thing you can think of… In the end, my hair appeared fried, lifeless, and terrible.

And what eventually saved my hair was regular hot oil treatments.

Hot oil treatments not only hydrates your scalp and nourishes your hair but it is a much-needed boost of health that your hair and scalp lacks.

Try doing them at least once or twice a month. I gonna try to do a hot oil treatment at least once a week as a part of my hair resolutions this year.

Feed Your Hair More Protein

Your hair needs protein to be healthy and to sustain the harsh weather changes, pollution, heat, different treatments, hair products, and everything they get exposed to. To prevent damage and even to repair the one that has already been caused, your hair needs proper protein as its support system. 

As per the RDA, your body needs at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight per day.

If you eat less protein, then your hair becomes fragile and breaks easily. To prevent this and to promote healthier hair, you need to up your protein intake. 

Along with regular protein intake, you can go for regular protein treatments for hair. My personal favorite is protein hair mask by Himalaya Herbals or this homemade egg hair mask. Both work equally well. 

Along with that, you can also try these hair care tips

hair care tips by hair care square (13)

Switch To Wooden Combs

wooden comb

This is by far the simplest hair resolution to implement yet it goes a long way.

I have already covered in-depth why switching from plastic combs to wooden combs can make a lot of difference to your hair’s health.

But to give you a gist, wooden combs don’t create a static effect on your hair like plastic ones which in turn minimizes damage. Along with that, they help distribute the natural oils produced by your scalp to your entire hair length. Thus promoting better hair health

Last update on 2024-09-07 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Do Hair Spa Once A Month

how to wash your hair in winter : winter hair care

This is my favorite of all. 

I love to pamper myself and show me some self-love.

Just give it a try…

Do a hair spa once a month at home and you will notice what a huge difference it creates to your hair in the long run.

Here are some step by step hair spa guides:

Make Hair Rinses An Integral Part Of Your Life

I cannot stress this enough but these small 5-minute hair rinses have the power to transform your life completely.

Just know the root hair problem that you need to treat, pick your hair rinse and do it religiously one month and see the magic…

Yes, I know I did use the word MAGIC

Here are some of my favorite hair rinses:

And many more of these magic recipes should absolutely be on your list for new year’s hair resolutions.

Participate In More Healthy Hair Challenges

This is a secret hack that keeps me motivated enough to continue my better hair care journey.

I already have done a few challenges that you can do yourself at home and see how wonderfully these healthy hair challenges pay off:

Just to name a few… In case if you do try any of these challenges, I would love to hear your experiences as well. 🙂

Grow And Donate Your Hair

This one is so close to my heart as a few months back I did donate my hair to cancer patients. And nothing in the world can compare to how wonderful and happy it made me.

That is why I want you guys to try and grow your hair and then donate your locks of love to those little children and cancer patients. And experience this true joy of selfless giving.

You can check out these few articles for better help:

Go Cruelty-Free This Year

cruelty free products for hair resolution

This is something that I want to advocate very strongly this year. I need more and more people to join in the movement to go cruelty-free. 

This will not only save poor innocent animals from being caged, harassed, and tortured but will also force companies to stop testing on animals. 

Please please please go cruelty-free.

We are in a world where no matter how wonderful the product is, there is always a cruelty-free dupe of it in the market. Please choose your hair products wisely and save animals from these inhumane practices.

Hope you found these simple yet effective hair resolutions worthy. In case if you have any other hair resolutions that you took this year, then please feel free to share via comments. I am all ears.

Have a lovely day!

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