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Cocoa Locks Review: Hot Chocolate With Bitotin For Hair Growth: Does It Work?

Cocoa Locks Review: Hot Chocolate With Bitotin For Hair Growth: Does It Work?

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Hey Guys,

Have you tried drinking chocolate for growing your hair yet?

Don’t get confused. I am talking about Cocoa Locks!

I came across this wonderful chocolate powder few months back. What’s so special about it, is that it contains biotin. Which means you can have beautiful long hair just by sipping this yummy chocolate drink. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it puzzled me too. That’s why, being a hair blogger, I gave it a try out of curiosity.

About The Brand: Cocoa Locks

Cocoa locks manufacture hot chocolate powder that is rich in biotin which helps your hair achieve thickness and growth. They ship worldwide and you can find out more about them here.

Cocoa Locks Review


cocoa locks ingredients

I Took The Cocoa Locks One Month Programme

In this programme, I had to drink a cup of Cocoa locks hot chocolate every day for an entire month. They claim that it not only triggers hair growth but reduces hair fall, reduces hair damage and will make my hair healthier from within. And to achieve all this, I just have to drink a cup of hot chocolate a day. That’s it.

My Experience Drinking Cocoa Locks Hot Chocolate For A Month

When I discovered their website, it actually felt like I landed in a parallel universe where sipping hot chocolate will give me lustrous locks. I just couldn’t believe it. So, I asked you guys on my Instagram stories whether you guys would want me to try and review this baby, and I received a 100% Yes.

So, when I got my hands on this baby, I took my hair picture and then immediately went into my kitchen, heated some water and made myself a hot chocolate. BTW, It tastes super yummy. It contains added sugar but has only 26 calories per cup, so you can enjoy it without any tension of gaining weight.

So this became a part of my regular routine and honestly, after emptying this one-month cocoa locks pack, I am already missing it very badly.


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Did I Experience Any Side Effects From Drinking Cocoa Locks?


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No, I didn’t.

Unless you are allergic to any particular ingredient cocoa locks is quite safe. It didn’t show any side effects.

Did Cocoa Locks Help To Trigger My Hair Growth?

Usually, my hair grows very fast about 2 inches each month but this month my hair grew almost 2.5 inches. This actually made me happy and little surprised tbh. It actually worked man! My hair actually grew longer because of it. I just couldn’t be happier. Felt like I discovered a diamond in a coal mine.


  • Hot chocolate tastes yummy
  • Contains Selenium, Zinc & Biotin
  • It definitely triggers hair growth
  • Vegan-friendly
  • They ship worldwide


  • On the pricey side
  • Didn’t repair any hair damage as it claimed
  • Not available in local stores

Where To Buy Cocoa Locks In India?

I got mine from their official website. It took exactly 14 days for cocoa locks to reach me since I placed my order and didn’t have to pay any extra customs charges. You can also buy it from Amazon.

Yay or Nay?


Honestly, it sounded too good to be true but to my surprise, it did actually deliver good results. Usually, my hair grows about 2 inches but my hair grew 2.5 inches in a month.

If hair growth is your main hair problem then definitely you can give this yummy beauty a try.

Hope you found this post helpful. See you soon with more such interesting posts. To see what’s on my testing table currently, follow me on my Instagram or for more solutions to hair queries follow me on Quora.

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Have a lovely day!


Friday 15th of February 2019

Loved your review. Brief and honest.


Tuesday 12th of February 2019

how it actually tastes!

Rashmi Chauhan

Friday 8th of February 2019

that's neat can't hurt to try then.. as that's what I want!!


Friday 8th of February 2019

Does it work or not

918 ki

Thursday 7th of February 2019

Never heard about coco locks before. This is so interesting! Thank you for sharing!