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7 Tested Methods to Run a More Successful Beauty Business

7 Tested Methods to Run a More Successful Beauty Business

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As someone who manages a beauty business, you might find it quite difficult to create a profitable venture without a plan. There are quite a few ways to approach this problem, and making the most out of available resources should be one of the priorities.

It helps when your salon is the only one or has next to no competition in the area, but slacking off and dropping in provided service quality is not a good look. If anything, such negligence will translate into unhappy customers who will seek alternatives.

Running a beauty business is tough, but you can improve your experience by using the information in this article. 

Give Customers Different Booking Options

Flexibility is an advantage, and a beauty salon should have more than one way to book an appointment. Right now, it is common to make a phone call or send a text and expect a positive response from a beautician.

Visiting the salon in person is also an option, but one cannot guarantee to find a beautician in it all the time.

A salon scheduler app could and should be a great addition to booking appointments. Using such an application, beauticians can create pages for themselves and provide information about their services, as well as a schedule that lets customers pick a time slot and book an appointment.

This is a great way to increase your salon bookings.

Hire Reliable Staff Members

Running the whole thing alone is a tall task, and it makes sense to hire help. For one, a lot depends on how many customers there are. If the workload becomes too much to handle, one or two beauticians that can work full-time or part-time can help a lot.

Of course, there are other tasks to take into consideration. Accounting is one of the examples that stand out a lot. 

It is quite common for beauty salon managers to take care of expenses and earnings themselves, but there is more to fiscal matters, and a professional accountant is worth a shout. Even if the workload is not too much, having someone who is good with numbers and is a professional at what they do is still handy.

Create a Beauty Blog

tips for running a beauty business

Advertising the salon online is a good way to attract more customers, and starting a beauty blog is a solid way to start the marketing campaign. 

A blog helps with search engine optimization, and it offers a channel to express and share interesting things about the beauty industry. In addition, salons can invite guest posters and collaborate with writers to build authority. 

Advertise the Salon on Social Media

tips for running a beauty business tips for running a beauty business

Social media marketing is another great example of how you can boost the results of a beauty business.

If you were to go through beauty-related social media profiles, you would notice quite a few people sharing various make-up tutorials in detailed or short videos. 

Of course, social media can be used in a different way. You can also run giveaways and contests. People love free stuff, and if they see a contest that offers a discount or an opportunity to try a new procedure, you can bet that they will engage with such content on social media.

These days, presence on the internet is a must for businesses, and social media happens to be one of the best channels to establish this presence. 

Seek Feedback From Customers

Being a manager of a beauty salon means that you might have too much on your plate, and noticing everything that is going on around you is pretty much impossible.

From small mistakes by employees who solve the issues themselves to customers wanting to express their thoughts, it might be difficult to find time for everyone.

Nevertheless, it is still necessary to prioritize customer feedback. Their input, so long as it is constructive and has value, should be taken seriously. 

Valuable customer thoughts can help a business grow, and since beauty salons rely on good relationships with clients, showing them that their opinion is appreciated will also help build stronger relationships and trust.

Take the Extra Mile

Taking the extra mile for customers is also a good approach. An example of doing so would be accommodating a customer who cannot find a suitable time slot throughout the week.

Working extra in the evening or on the weekend would show that a beauty salon cares about its customers.

Make Sure Employees Receive Constant Training

The last bit of advice is about providing employees regular training. Keeping up with the trends, such as new hairstyles and make-up products, learning new techniques, using modern work tools, and other aspects of the work that require training should be present.

Managers need to provide the necessary environment for their employees to improve. Be it local courses or business trips; a salon benefits a lot from employees who are motivated by learning opportunities.


All in all, there are multiple things to consider if you are keen to run a more successful beauty business. 

~Guest Post by Yaroslav.